Every woman deserves the support she needs to be a mom.

Equal Access to Motherhood℠

When women feel like they have no choice, that isn’t real choice. 

The truth is abortion is often a last resort—something women turn to when they feel like they have no other option. Financial struggles, lack of resources, and absence of support are just a few of the barriers that make motherhood feel impossible.

Equal Access to Motherhood exists to remove those barriers, ensuring every woman has the support she needs to say yes to motherhood with confidence. Because no one should feel forced to say no when, with the right support, they would have chosen motherhood. 

When all women are empowered in pregnancy—regardless of circumstance—that’s what true Equal Access to Motherhood looks like.

It's a sign!

Our movement is making waves across the U.S. From eye-catching billboards to powerful signs at some of the nation’s biggest events, more people are waking up to the truth

that every woman deserves Equal Access to Motherhood.

It’s ok to be a mom.

But not all women have that choice.

Many have fought for life by changing laws. We, also, welcomed landmark legal victories, celebrating the protection of life and the end of abortion.

But here’s what happened: Abortion rates rose.

Bans and restrictions increased demand for women caught in the middle, struggling to make ends meet with jobs that don’t support pregnant women and moms.

As an organization, we saw the need  to create a mom friendly work environment with maternity leave, flexible schedules, and wellness programs for in-office and remote staff.

Along the way, we saw something remarkable happen:
When women on our team can fully embrace motherhood, they help us accomplish so much more than we thought possible.

That’s the power of REAL choice.

REAL choice empowers every woman to be a mom. It
gives her access to the practical support she needs to become the type of mom— whether through raising her child, choosing adoption, or fostering—she most
aspires to be.

It doesn’t force her to choose between motherhood and career, or college, or long-held dreams.

Because until a woman feels fully supported to embrace becoming a mom, only then will she have REAL choice.

That’s Equal Access to Motherhood℠ for all women, including those with the least access.

It brings vital support—whether medical, material, emotional, or spiritual— directly to women with the least access to care.
It offers the highest standard of care for every woman, showing her honor and dignity regardless of choice.

Equal Access to Motherhood℠ is not a lofty aspiration.
It is our daily work—and always will be: to meet women where they are, support their needs, and serve them well so that every woman has REAL choice.

Together, we can provide all women with Equal Access to Motherhood℠.

Join the movement for every woman… for every mom.

Diane Ferraro

Adopted, Foster/Adoptive Mom, and CEO of Save the Storks

© Copyright 2024 Equal Access to Motherhood℠

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